Dawa Tshering
“DIBNS is securely located amidst serene natural Sal forest away from urbanites, providing an enabling atmosphere to study environmental studies apart from many other courses offered by the Institute. The Department of Forestry are manned by highly qualified, motivated, selfless lecturers, who are always down-to-earth and treats every individual student as equally as others in pursuit of achieving the Centre of Excellence in forestry education. The curriculum includes hands-on learning through field excursions to various places apart from theory classes. Many Bhutanese students graduated from DIBNS have received good placement to serve in the forestry services as well as in other organizations and have been extremely doing well. Therefore, if you are making up your mind to study Forestry, I would recommend DIBNS, Dehradun. I did not regret choosing DIBNS to study Forestry Course and I am pleased to be alumnus of DIBNS, Dehradun”.
Submitted by Dawa Tshering (B.SC. Forestry, Batch 2008-2012) currently serving as
Senior Forestry Officer under the Department of Forest and Park Services, Ministry of Agriculture and Forest, Thimphu, Bhutan.