Van Mahotsav
In order to make students aware about the aforesaid aspects, a field workshop to commemorate Van Mahotsav – 2023 was jointly organized by Department of Forestry & ECO-CLUB, DIBNS, Dehradun on 18th July, 2023. The theme of this program was – “Sow seeds, grow plants, develop forests in village to village, city to city; wasteland to wasteland for prosperity”. 53 students from the Department of Forestry participated. They learned the methods of seed bomb making and broadcasting, Bio-aesthetic planting and seed dispersal for wildlife. Seed bomb dispersal was conducted in the eco-fragile areas close to Dolphin Institute. Seed bombing is the practice of introducing vegetation to land by throwing or dropping seed balls. It is used in modern Aerial seeding as a way to prevent seed predation. It has also been popularized by green movements such as guerrilla gardening as a way to introduce new plants to any environment. In this activity, the seeds used were of Indian blackberry, Apricot, Sal, Curry plant etc, which are easily available during this season. The soil taken to make these seed bombs were taken from a depth of below 10 feet from the Sal forest containing Mycorrhiza (a symbiotic association between a fungus and plant). The top soil is generally avoided as it has decomposing tendency. The participants were guided, instructed and motivated by Dr. Sas Biswas, Head Department of Forestry. Later on, a short visit was conducted to ecologically fragile microhabitat in vicinity of DIBNS. The event was highly informative for both students and faculty members. The faculty members present in this program were Dr. Sandhya Goswami, Dr. V.P.S. Rawat, Mr. Anil Kumar Kewat, Dr. A. K. Pundir and Dr. Deepali Rana.